Hello everyone;
Today I would love to share with you an important piece of a concept which I do believe, it is so very important; it is called “believe in yourself”
I believe most of us we find it joyful when we hear a word “I believe in you” coming from our beloved ones. Usually as a motivation to keep doing what we are doing for the good course.
But I do believe that a real success in your life is when that I believe in you is from yourself. I call it success because it lays unbreakable foundation for you even when at times when no one is there to speak those words to you.
If you learn to speak and tell yourself that you believe in yourself it will simply be the main thing you need to start doing whatever you plan to do. Because although we love hearing I believe in you from others if we don’t believe in ourselves first into that whatever you want to do then these words from others will completely be nothing to you.
Hey, if anyone can do it then you can do it; But how? People can easily say; if he can do it so can you! But they can’t tell you how they do it! We shouldn’t confuse comparison and competition with motivation. Motivation is when you find strength from within you and not from what others have achieved!
The first thing to do is; believing in you first. That will build up your self trust and confidence to help you get to that place you want to be.
Sometimes a lot of failures in our lives are simply because we do not have belief in ourselves and this is happening mostly because, most of the time we overestimates other people's abilities to do things and underestimate our own abilities for doing same things; without knowing that, believing in you will do wonders.
It will make you be in a situation that you won’t doubt your ability and capability of doing certain things in life. To believe in yourself does not require a certain level of education, neither does it need you to have a certain amount of money or you to be in a certain age group; it simply needs nothing more than you believing in yourself.
Believing that you can do it regardless of it being small or big then from that point work hard to get it or to be that person you want to be. Believing in yourself first makes it easy for you to pursue things which others thinks that they can not be done (Impossibles). Because regardless of negative thoughts from others you will still be able to carry on towards what you believe that you can do.
Believing in yourself will boost up your passion for doing anything as you confidently know that you have ability to do anything so finding a way will not be a harder thing to do, as long as you know you can get there and you want to get there.
Today you see a lot of successful people and you can even dare to call some of them role models, because they are successful; and they were able to do things you once thought they are impossible.
They did them because they took their time to develop their abilities by first believing in themselves before anyone else did and boom they made it on top and we can learn from them. A secret to successes in anything needs us to put ourselves first and believe that we can be anywhere in a point in life before anyone else telling us that they believe in us.
Let’s remind ourselves every time we are about to do anything by talking to ourselves that we can do it, you can do it period regardless of how scary the current situation is or how negatively it may look at you now. Remember that, everything starts with you first and then everyone else; it is the same on believing yourself part. When you start to believe in yourself then automatically everyone else will start to believe in you.
“If you believe in yourself anything is possible” Miley Cyrus
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