Millennium Development Goals

  • Goal 1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
    • Target 1. Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose income is less than one dollar a day
      • Poorest quintile's share in national income or consumption, per cent (WB)
      • Population below $1 (PPP) per day consumption, percentage
      • Population below national poverty line, rural, percentage
      • Population below national poverty line, total, percentage
      • Population below national poverty line, urban, percentage
      • Poverty gap ratio
      • Purchasing power parities (PPP) conversion factor, local currency unit to international dollar
    • Target 2. Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people who suffer from Hunger
      • Children under 5 moderately or severely underweight, percentage
      • Children under 5 severely underweight, percentage
      • Population undernourished, number of people
      • Population undernourished, percentage   
  • Goal 2. Achieve universal primary education
    • Target 3. Ensure that, by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling
      • Literacy rates of 15-24 years old, both sexes, percentage
      • Literacy rates of 15-24 years old, men, percentage
      • Literacy rates of 15-24 years old, women, percentage
      • Net enrolment ratio in primary education, both sexes
      • Net enrolment ratio in primary education, boys
      • Net enrolment ratio in primary education, girls
      • Percentage of pupils starting grade 1 reaching grade 5, both sexes
      • Percentage of pupils starting grade 1 reaching grade 5, boys
      • Percentage of pupils starting grade 1 reaching grade 5, girls
      • Primary completion rate, both sexes
      • Primary completion rate, boys
      • Primary completion rate, girls
  • Goal 3. Promote gender equality and empower women
    • Target 4. Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education, preferably by 2005, and to all levels of education no later than 2015
      • Gender Parity Index in primary level enrolment
      • Gender Parity Index in secondary level enrolment
      • Gender Parity Index in tertiary level enrolment
      • Seats held by men in national parliament
      • Seats held by women in national parliament
      • Seats held by women in national parliament, percentage
      • Share of women in wage employment in the non-agricultural sector
      • Total number of seats in national parliament
      • Women to men parity index, as ratio of literacy rates, 15-24 years old
  • Goal 4. Reduce child mortality
    • Target 5. Reduce by two thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the under-five mortality rate
      • Children 1 year old immunized against measles, percentage
      • Children under five mortality rate per 1,000 live births
      • Infant mortality rate (0-1 year) per 1,000 live births
  • Goal 5. Improve maternal health
    • Target 6. Reduce by three quarters, between 1990 and 2015, the maternal mortality ratio
      • Births attended by skilled health personnel, percentage
      • Maternal mortality ratio per 100,000 live births
  • Goal 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
    • Target 7. Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS
      • AIDS deaths
      • AIDS orphans (one or both parents)
      • Condom use at last high-risk sex, 15-24 years old, men, percentage
      • Condom use at last high-risk sex, 15-24 years old, women, percentage
      • Condom use to overall contraceptive use among currently married women 15-49 years old, percentage
      • Contraceptive use among currently married women 15-49 years old, any method, percentage
      • Contraceptive use among currently married women 15-49 years old, condom, percentage
      • Contraceptive use among currently married women 15-49 years old, modern methods, percentage
      • HIV prevalence rate among pregnant women,15-24 years old, attending antenatal care in clinics in capital cities
      • HIV prevalence rate, men 15-49 years old, in national based surveys
      • HIV prevalence rate, women 15-49 years old, in national based surveys
      • Men 15-24 years old with comprehensive correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS, percentage
      • Men 15-24 years old, who know that a healthy-looking person can transmit HIV, percentage
      • Men 15-24 years old, who know that a person can protect himself from HIV infection by consistent condom use, percentage
      • People living with HIV, 15-49 years old, percentage
      • Ratio of school attendance rate of orphans to school attendance rate of non orphans
      • Women 15-24 years old with comprehensive correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS, percentage
      • Women 15-24 years old, who know that a healthy-looking person can transmit HIV, percentage
      • Women 15-24 years old, who know that a person can protect himself from HIV infection by consistent condom use, percentage
    • Target 8. Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the incidence of malaria and other major diseases
      • Children under 5 sleeping under insecticide-treated bed nets, percentage
      • Children under 5 with fever being treated with anti-malarial drugs, percentage
      • Tuberculosis death rate per 100,000 population
      • Tuberculosis detection rate under DOTS, percentage
      • Tuberculosis prevalence rate per 100,000 population
      • Tuberculosis treatment success rate under DOTS, percentage

  • Goal 7. Ensure environmental sustainability
    • Target 9. Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programmes and reverse the loss of environmental resources
      • Carbon dioxide emissions (CO2), metric tons of CO2 per capita (CDIAC)
      • Carbon dioxide emissions (CO2), thousand metric tons of CO2 (CDIAC)
      • Consumption of all Ozone-Depleting Substances in ODP metric tons
      • Consumption of ozone-depleting CFCs in ODP metric tons
      • Energy use (Kg oil equivalent) per $1,000 (PPP) GDP
      • Land area covered by forest, percentage
      • Protected area to total surface area, percentage
      • Protected areas, sq. km.
    • Target 10. Halve by 2015 the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water
      • Proportion of the population using improved drinking water sources, rural
      • Proportion of the population using improved drinking water sources, total
      • Proportion of the population using improved drinking water sources, urban
      • Proportion of the population using improved sanitation facilities, rural
      • Proportion of the population using improved sanitation facilities, total
      • Proportion of the population using improved sanitation facilities, urban
    • Target 11. By 2020 to have achieved a significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers
      • Slum population as percentage of urban, percentage
      • Slum population in urban areas
  • Goal 8. Develop a global partnership for development
    • Target 15. Deal comprehensively with the debt problems of developing countries through national and international measures in order to make debt sustainable in the long term
      • Debt relief committed under HIPC initiative, cumulative million US$
      • Debt service as percentage of exports of goods and services and net income from abroad
    • Target 18. In cooperation with the private sector, make available the benefits of new technologies, especially information and communications
      • Internet users
      • Internet users per 100 population
      • Personal computers
      • Personal computers per 100 population
      • Telephone lines and cellular subscribers
      • Telephone lines and cellular subscribers per 100 population
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